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Graphic Design and Web Hosting: why creatives need a website

Business, Web Design

If you’re a graphic designer or a creative professional, you already know how crucial it is to show your work and design talent to the world. But the question is, how do you do that most effectively and efficiently possible?

One of the best ways is to have a website where you can proudly display your portfolio, share your ideas, and connect with visitors. And guess what? To have your own website, you need website hosting. Website hosting is a service that provides you with the space and resources to store and run your website on the Internet, which you host yourself or through a third party.

So, in this blog post, we will dive into why website hosting is an absolute must for graphic designers and creative professionals. It’ll also discuss how it can help you achieve your dreams and supercharge your career.

We’ll focus on three important themes: control, credibility, and creativity.

Controlling your design portfolio

One of the greatest advantages of having your own website is the absolute control it grants you over your online presence and portfolio of designs. You get to customise every aspect of your website’s design, layout, and functionality to match your unique style and needs perfectly. Plus, you can choose a domain name that’s more professional and way more memorable than those generic ones. If you need help selecting a domain name, read our article which includes 11 tips to help you choose the best domain for your business.

Now, let’s talk about security. With features like watermarking and premium security, you can rest easy knowing that your precious work is protected from potential copycats, thieves, or mischief-makers.

Oh, and here’s the cherry on top: you can update your website anytime, anywhere.

Enhancing your design credibility

Another amazing benefit of having your own website is that it showcases your skills and expertise as a graphic designer or creative professional.

You can proudly display your best work, testimonials, awards, and achievements, creating a portfolio that reflects your brand and unique value proposition whilst providing social proof. This means you can preempt and mitigate questions for prospective clients using website copy, so you’ll have to spend less time defending your creative decisions later.

You can also establish yourself as a trustworthy authority and thought leader by creating captivating blog posts, tutorials, or inspiring case studies that give a glimpse into your creative process, insights, and invaluable information. If you want five simple tips to help you write your blog, you can read our article about the subject here. This is important to all designers, especially freelancers whose reputations and perceptions directly impact their income.

Over time, your website will become a magnet for clients, employers, or potential collaborators looking to see your incredible work and get in touch with you. Plus, having a website that’s easy to navigate, loads lightning-fast, and is secure helps you build trust, rapport, and a fan base that will make you feel like a true creative rockstar.

Show your creativity

Now, here’s the third and final reason why website hosting is an absolute game-changer for graphic designers and creative professionals like yourself: it gives you the ultimate canvas to unleash your creativity and show your personality through your work.

With your website, you can experiment with various styles, formats, and media, creating a website that’s functional but also beautiful and engaging. You also get to showcase your one-of-a-kind voice and vision, creating a truly captivating website which further demonstrates your proficiency in designing websites as well as graphics. If you’d like to find out what we think makes a good website, you can find out here.

By sharing your remarkable work and groundbreaking ideas on your website, you can inspire and influence others and build new business relationships.


As you can see, website hosting is a technical necessity and an absolute strategic advantage for graphic designers and creative professionals like yourself.

Your website grants you the unmatched power of control, credibility, and creativity, which are the keys to unlocking your wildest dreams and propelling your career to new heights.

So, if you haven’t yet started website hosting or you’re looking to take your existing website to the next level, it’s time you consider getting yourself a reliable and affordable website hosting service.

Want to know more?

You can visit The Hub for tips on starting your business with a domain name, a business email, and a website. You can also download free insightful e-books there.