Say hello to your new Dashboard…

Online Control Panel

We’ve worked our magic on your Online Control Panel and created a brand new, powerful dashboard…

Online Control Panel Dashboard

It’s just the beginning of our Online Control Panel makeover but already it makes managing your account so much simpler. The intuitive design centralises your account and service information so it’s super easy to access and you can view everything on one page. Get ready to enjoy a smoother experience every time you log in.

Take a look at what’s new…

1. Choose whichever view you prefer – tile or list, and easily switch between the twoSwitch between tile and list view

2. Find all the options you need using this little cogUse the cog to view other options

3. If your domain has no services attached, you’ll see this little sleepy icon in the cornerIdle domains

4. Quickly search for domains or filter on services or statusFilter services and domains

5. See renewals due and domains that need your attentionSee renewals due and domains that need attention

Remember, this is just the start so your dashboard will still look different to the rest of your account. We’re refreshing the entire Online Control Panel, it will take a bit of time but watch this space… more great things are coming!