How to Renew Your Services


Welcome to our guide on managing your service renewals. Keeping your services active and running smoothly requires regular renewal. Fortunately, you can easily handle your renewals at your convenience through your Online Control Panel. Plus, we offer multiple support options to assist you throughout the renewal process.

For this guide, please log in to your Online Control Panel using the login details associated with your main account.

Table of Contents

  1. Logging into your Online Control Panel
  2. Navigating to the renewal section of your online control panel
  3. Managing Automatic Renewals
  4. Renewing Manually

Step One

Navigate to our website

Once on the website, choose “Log in” found on the top right-hand side of the page and log into your Online Control Panel. If you need assistance with this, please follow this guide.

Step Two

To manage renewals on your account with, we provide an auto-renew service for your convenience. To access your auto-renewal settings, please navigate to your renewals page located under the billing section of your online dashboard.

An image showing the Billing and Renewals tab from within the Control Panel

Step Three

This page will list all the services in your account with pending renewals. To adjust your auto-renewal settings, simply toggle the Auto Renew option On or Off.

When disabling Auto Renew, a confirmation prompt will appear to confirm your decision. Additionally, a helpful reminder of the renewal deadline will be provided to ensure uninterrupted services.

Step Four

With, you have the flexibility to renew many of your services at any time. Rest assured, you won’t lose any remaining time, as your renewal seamlessly extends to the end of your current subscription term.

If you prefer to manually renew your services rather than using our auto-renewal service, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step.

To ensure you have ample time to organise your payments, we send renewal notifications starting six weeks before your renewal is due, with reminders sent each week leading up to the expiration of your products.

Once you receive a renewal reminder, you can renew at your convenience, whenever it suits you best. Simply visit the Renewals page located within the billing section of your control panel. Here, you’ll find all upcoming renewals listed under the “Renewals Due” tab, offering a clear view of your pending service renewals. If you don’t have any immediate renewals, you can still access the “View All” tab to review a full list of your services.

An image showing the All Renewals tab from within the Control Panel

To renew a single service, simply locate the service you want to renew and click on the Renew button positioned to the right.

For renewing multiple services simultaneously, use the convenient tick boxes located on the left side of each service. Once you’ve selected all the services you want to renew, click on “Renew Services” to start the payment process. If you have a valid card on your account that has not expired, it will be displayed as an available payment option.

If you have any further questions, simply raise a support request from within your Online Control Panel or call us on 0345 363 3633. Our customer Care team is here to help and ready to assist you with your enquiry.

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