Why should you consider a vlog?


Social media marketing

We find ourselves fully immersed in the era of digital marketing and the rise of platforms including Instagram and YouTube over the last few years has been meteoric. Although it can sometimes feel impossible to keep up with the latest trends, vlogging is something that you shouldn’t overlook.

The benefits of blogs are myriad, however vlogs can be an excellent way to keep your audience up-to-date with what’s going on behind the scenes and to provide them with complex information via a medium that is easy and enjoyable for them to engage with. Longform blog posts are extremely valuable but it’s important to remember that not everyone will have the time or the inclination to sit down and read every word.

Here are 6 more reasons why starting a vlog for your business might be one of the best decisions you make all year.

It’s time to get personal

Vlogging is an effective way to add a personal touch to your digital marketing efforts. In addition to putting faces to your brand, vlogs give you the opportunity to show your audience what happens behind the scenes on a day-to-day basis, talk about your interests and motivations and showcase your personality. Consumers find it easier to connect with brands they trust and vlogging can help you to build deeper relationships with your audience by demonstrating your authenticity.

Say hello to affordable content marketing

You don’t need to have an extensive collection of equipment or a large budget to start vlogging. In fact, many of the most prominent vloggers started with little more than a smartphone and an Internet connection. Provided that your audience can see and hear you, your vlogging adventure can begin.

Video is the future

By 2021, video will account for more than 80% of all IP traffic [1]. Additionally, embedding video into your website will help you to secure higher rankings in key search engine results pages (SERPs) which can help you to differentiate your online presence from that of your closest competitors.

Showcase your skills

It’s incredibly easy to showcase your knowledge and skills via the medium of video. The personal touch is immediately endearing and sharing valuable advice, tips and tricks will help you to build trust and respect amongst your audience.

Let’s get visual

Visual content is highly eye-catching and engaging. It’s often easier for audiences to watch a 4-minute video than to sit down to read a 1000-word blog post but as the benefits of blogs are genuinely extraordinary, it would be unwise to ditch your blog completely. Although it might sound like an impossible task to balance both, your video content can be embedded into your blog and augmented with additional copy tailored to the section of your audience that actively prefers and deliberately seeks out blog content.

Boost your social media presence

In addition to repurposing your video content for your blog, it can also be shared across a variety of social platforms to increase your reach and enhance your engagement metrics. The Facebook algorithm favours pages that are regularly updated with relevant video content and platforms such as Twitter are channelling additional resources into their video capabilities, proving that if you have the time to dedicate to producing consistent video content, the benefits for your business could be considerable.

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-how-much-ip-traffic-will-be-video-by-2021-2017-6?r=US&IR=T